Economic Lifelines is excited to announce another fantastic membership zoom meeting Tuesday, May 9, 2023!

Economic Lifelines is excited to announce that Susan Howard, Director of Policy and Government Relations of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), will be our guest for our next member meeting on Tues., May 9.
In the United States, state governments bear much of the responsibility for the transportation systems within their borders. States own and maintain transportation assets, plan and build new infrastructure, manage billions of federal and state dollars each year, and collaborate with and support local governments. In recent years, states have faced greater challenges in meeting these obligations than ever before, as they are confronted with aging infrastructure, constrained resources, changing demographics, growing demand, and massive technological, environmental, and social disruptions to the transportation sector. In this unprecedented context, states have developed—and continue to explore—a remarkable array of approaches to providing transportation options that get people and goods to their destinations safely and effectively. This presentation will cover compelling nationwide trends and notable state examples, offering a strong foundational understanding of the diversity of current state practices and spark practical, informed dialogue about the many options they might consider for their own states.
Don't miss this opportunity to hear the latest!
There is no RSVP or registration, simply click here to join the zoom meeting.
Meeting ID: 868 3856 9535
Passcode: 007166
We look forward to having you join us!
Please mark your calendars now for the next meeting:
Thursday, June 29th, 2:30-3:00 pm
at Kansas Contractors Association
800 S.W. Jackson St., Ste 100
with Calvin Reed, KDOT Acting Secretary