Stimulating Economic Vitality Through Leadership in Infrastructure Development
Mark Your Calendars Now for the Next
Economic Lifelines Member Meeting!
Please plan to join us for a discussion with
Steve Hewitt, CEO, Kansas Turnpike Authority
Monday, March 3 at 2:00 p.m.
For nearly 70 years, the Kansas Turnpike has been a reliable and customer-valued transportation option, for both Kansas and the region. The Kansas Turnpike Authority remains focused on its organizational goals to preserve and modernize the roadway. 2024 marked the biggest change since KTA's beginning... cashless tolling. This presentation will take a deeper dive into the decisions and steps KTA took to make this historic change while staying true to its values. You'll hear KTA’s latest updates and learn how cashless tolling works and what the change means for you.
Don't miss this opportunity to hear the latest!
There is no RSVP or registration needed,
simply click HERE to join the Zoom meeting.
Meeting ID: 813 9030 0534
Passcode: 254945
We look forward to having you join us!